Speaking Engagements
If you get invited to a speaking engagement, you have been handed a tremendous opportunity. This might be harder if you are not skilled in public speaking but hopefully you will have a window in which to practice ahead of time. Speaking Engagements are generally a fabulous way to help increase your brand awareness in a community. For starters, if you have been invited. This means that someone already views you as an expert. The invitation itself is a tacit endorsement of your capabilities. Unless you tank, that endorsement will likely be received well by the attendees. Be sure to avoid the hard sell and provide ideas that are valuable to the audience. These types of events can be great opportunities to increase your email list or give out physical goodies to help build relationships.
This blog post is a portion of Attention and Action. The book walks you through the marketing process that Adelsberger Marketing follows with its clients. You can read this book for free as a blog on the Adelsberger Marketing website or purchase on Amazon.com.