Conclusion, References, and Suggested Materials

Ideas are (expletive deleted), execution is the game.” – Gary Vaynerchuk. 

This book contains many thoughts on marketing. They are thoughts we use to grow our client’s businesses. They work because we put them into action. We execute on these ideas. Many people have great ideas for content or marketing, but they fail to execute. 

I hope you enjoyed this work, but more so hope that you will execute some concept from this book. Start with who you are and define it. Understand who your customers are and where they are in the process.  Build the pieces you need to communicate with the world. Then, get someone’s attention and motivate them to take your call to action. 

If you found this valuable, consider leaving us a review on Facebook or Google. If you know you need to help with marketing, send me an email:

Thank you for your time and attention and don’t forget how valuable both of those things are. 


References and Suggested Material:

I love reading so I prioritize it in my daily life. I find it’s a great way to keep thinking about things that are helpful and also a great way to wind down from the day. Here are some of our top marketing books we recommend: 

Juicing the Orange: Fallon- A great book talking about how a big deal advertising firm approaches creative. 

Permission Marketing: Godin- In my opinion, this is the seminal book that shifted marketing from interruption to permission-based. Very formative. Also, just read everything Seth Godin has ever written. 

Building a Storybrand: Miller- An excellent book on how to treat marketing writing to engage the reader and sell products. 

Attention Merchants: Wu- A startling look at how businesses have been selling our attention for decades, and increasingly so

Ask Gary Vee: Vaynerchuk- Gary Vaynerchuk is the leader in social media marketing in my eyes. His books, including Crushing It, are excellent resources for anyone considering marketing in the modern era. He also has an enormous online presence and gives away a lot of information. He often sets the pace in online marketing.

The End of Advertising: Essex- A thoughtful look from inside the big ad system about how the system will change in the near future. 

Breakthrough Advertising: Schwartz- A classic, but be warned, it’s expensive online. It’s insightful on the human condition. Originally published in 1966, some of the examples are dated but the core truths are applicable to all humankind.

Customers for Life by Carl Sewell- My favorite book on customer service. In the book Carl talks about how he used customer service to build his dealerships. I can personally speak for these services and how we were treated as out-of-towners in one of his dealerships.

This blog post is a portion of Attention and Action. The book walks you through the marketing process that Adelsberger Marketing follows with its clients. You can read this book for free as a blog on the Adelsberger Marketing website or purchase on

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