Google My Business Listing


Typically, when you think of advertising and marketing, you think of spending money. But before you carefully plan out a marketing budget, make sure you are fully utilizing the free marketing options available to you! 

One of the most effective free marketing options available is the Google My Business Listing. When you search for a business on Google, results will display address, map, phone number, website, photos, reviews, business hours, and more. With 5 billion searches on Google for restaurants, 3 billion searches for hotels, 1 billion searches for clothing stores, 600 million searches for hair and beauty salons, and 5 million searches for coffee shops, as a business owner, you need to have control over this information. An unflattering photo of your location coupled with incorrect business hours is not a good combination for a potential customer!

You can strengthen your local search result rankings by ensuring that your business profile is complete and updated. High ranking local searches reassure customers that you are a legitimate and relevant business. By posting photos, up-to-date offers, temporary business hours, and other appropriate information to your profile, you instantly boost the visibility of your business to your customers. 

Don’t overlook the simplest details. Take your city and state as an example. If you’re a tree service in Jackson, Tennessee, you don’t want to waste your day receiving phone calls from customers in Jackson, Mississippi. 

And consider your business hours. Are you closed on Mondays? Be sure to include that information! Few things are more frustrating to a customer than showing up at your location and discovering it’s closed. Since most of them googled you first, be sure to include an accurate listing of your hours of operation.

The Google My Business listing is 100% free – so if you haven’t claimed your business listing, drop everything and claim yours by visiting or by finding your location on Google Maps. You won’t regret taking the time to set this up properly. 

Are you ready to conquer even more aspects of digital marketing? Click below to schedule a meeting with one of our experts at Adelsberger Marketing.


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