I Lost a Client

I lost a client this month.

Usually, that’s one of the most challenging realities of a business owner. Losing a client can be discouraging.

But in this case, it was a victory! No, it’s not for the reason you think – they weren’t a difficult or overly demanding client. They didn’t leave me for a competing firm or suddenly stop paying bills or replying to messages.

Instead – they were successful.

That’s right. Successful. Our past year of taking intentional photos of their products, strategically targeting their social media audience, and even taking advantage of Facebook algorithms led to so much success that they decided to hire a full-time employee dedicated to 24/7 digital marketing.

Is there a better way to lose a client? Probably not. It was an honor to serve their business and help them better communicate with their clients. Our efforts were rewarded in a very tangible way.

So many businesses are still struggling to invest correctly in digital marketing. Many business owners don’t understand why it’s such a powerful influencer. Or they may see it working for their competitor but they haven’t invested enough time for it to work for their own business.

In just one year, we were able to help one of these businesses learn the value of using social media strategically. One of my goals is to see other businesses succeed. Even if that means helping train my own replacement once they’ve expanded to the point of hiring full-time employees. That’s quite the testimony of success!