This week one of my latest clients opened in Jackson. Say Grace: Classic Southern Dining, is opening on September 24.
Say Grace is bringing family style dining to Jackson. Today Renae and I were honored to attend the soft opening of Say Grace. Make sure you come hungry if you go for lunch or dinner. You will be served 3-4 salads, biscuits and corn bread, 3-4 sides and then 2-3 main courses, oh and save room for dessert. My wife described it as a buffet that comes to you. My favorites: fried chicken, biscuits, and corn pudding.
Besides being family style, the host will sit you with whoever else is coming in the restaurant while you are there. This is a great opportunity to meet other people in the community.
My work for Say Grace has been the logo and a website. Saygracejackson.com. We went for a badge style logo that would look good on many different mediums. Also important was to emphasize the unique name of the restaurant. Because the name might not be intuitive to the uninitiated we included the tag line in the logo to make it easier to understand. We also wanted a classic look to match up with the classic style of the restaurant.
The website is a more modern one page theme. A one page was selected so that it will look great on mobile devices.
Make sure you check out Say Grace when the open on September 24!
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