Pretzel Day Marketing Tips | Content Machine Ep 78

Welcome to a special episode of the Content Machine podcast, recorded live at Pretzel Day, our annual Customer and Friend Appreciation Day. We asked some of our guests to tell us what their top marketing tips are, and here’s what they had to say.

I’d say my best marketing tip is always be on the lookout for new relationships. Relationship-based marketing is far more than social media. It is really getting to know people who can make an impact with and for your business.

So, my best marketing advice really centers less about marketing and more about relationships, because I think everything we do is about relationships. If you want to have somebody remember you, you need to remember them. When you leave a meeting from them, go into your Outlook contacts and write something special about them. They love Valls’s football. Their daughter’s a ballerina, they have a German shorthair pointer dog, something that lets them know the next time you connect with them that you remembered them and you make it personal and they’ll want to do business with you.

I think my best marketing tip has got to be to provide such a high-quality service or product that you’re able to turn your customers into advocates and evangelists. And so word of mouth always is really strong.

My top marketing tip is absolutely hire the right people. If you don’t know what you’re doing, go get a good team like Adelsberger. And also be authentically yourself. Stay on your own brand. I don’t know. You can tell when things are cheesy. So I don’t know. Be authentic.

What is your top marketing tip? Be yourself. Don’t try to mimic someone else. Don’t try to be someone you’re not. Be yourself and allow all that comes with that to just be out there and either embraced or…

I’m looking that way?

Just look at the camera. Recording. Tell us your best marketing tip.

Use AI for everything.

My marketing tip would be to make sure you’re on Kevin’s focus status.

Okay, so My best marketing tip is definitely to be intentional in everything you do, whether it’s your marketing, your communications, or anything of that nature. Always make sure you’re making intentional, thoughtful decisions on the end product with the end user in mind.

I was going to say, I guess my top marketing tip would be to know your audience.

My top marketing tip would be to not sleep on LinkedIn. There’s a lot of good stuff going on on LinkedIn.

Don’t sleep on the LinkedIn and know your audience.

Top marketing tip. My top marketing tip would be to call Adelsberger Marketing. Pretty simple. Now, I’d say marketing is obviously to be known, to be liked, and to be trusted with any industry, with any person, with any sales your job with any political campaign. Your job is to convince people to know your product, whether it’s a person or a product, to trust your product and to like your product. Those are three things you have to elicit action on.

Okay. My marketing tip for you is to call Adelsberger Marketing because they are the best. They are incredible to work with, the smartest folks I’ve ever seen at work in my whole life.

All right. When I think about marketing and for anyone that might be interested, I’d say consistency is the biggest thing. Just post content. Whether you think it’s high quality or not, post the content, be consistent with it, and you’ll increase brand awareness.

My top marketing tip is to make a bunch of great friends.

Kadence Washam Summer Intern | Content Machine Ep 77

Welcome to the Content Machine podcast. I’m Kevin Adelsberger. This week, we are joined by our summer intern, Cadence Walsham. Thanks for joining us, Kadence


Of course.

So, Kadence, we have started a tradition around here where we have the interns come at the end of their session with us, the end of their semester with us, and we love to hear about your summer. So why don’t you give us an overview of being an intern at Adelsberger Marketing?

This internship has been really good for I think one of the main reasons is because I classify myself as being an advertising and PR major. But being in this internship, I’ve seen that I’m not only just an advertising and PR major, but I actually can branch out into other areas in marketing. I got to see some website building. I got to see Katie work in graphic design, and I actually got to go on a few video and photo shoots as well.
That’s great. You got to experience a lot of different things. How do you think that is helping you prepare for your future? Because tell us about what you’re wanting to do after you go, because you go back to school in a few weeks. Yes. But what’s the future hold for you, Hope?


I graduate school in December, a year and a half early. Kind of crazy. But I want to be a communications pastor at a church. Not sure where. We’re going to see where the Lord takes me. But I’ve got to work on aprojects here during my internship, and one of them was actually through a church, which is really cool since that’s what I want to go into. I was able to see the livestream and post it on the website and on their socials. I thought it was really cool because on Monday mornings, when I would post a livestream, I could see how many viewers had been watched, and I would see 60 to 70. I was like, wow, by 15 to 20 minutes of work I would put in for this church is making an impact for 60 to 70 people to hear the word of God, which is really cool.

Will you tell us about a different project that you worked on this summer?
Yeah. So one of the really cool things I got to experience this summer was seeing a project start from the beginning to the end. And when I started in May, you actually created an outline for the CMO service, our Chief Marketing Officer Service, which is actually live now, which is really cool to see. But I got to actually work with a bunch of team members, and we all had a part in this. So it began with an outline, and we got to see it through with the finished product that’s now live, which is really cool to see that I was actually a part of something pretty big, and that’s actually going to stay on past my internship as well.
Yeah, we were glad to have you there. As you look back on your summer, was there any takeaways or that you had from the summer?

I think one of the biggest takeaways I’ve had this summer is that I usually only see the end product, especially from what I’ve worked with at school and stuff. So actually, being behind the scenes more instead of in front of a camera or editing post, I actually got to see more graphic design take place and more website building and then more social. There’s so much I didn’t even know that took place in a marketing business that I got to see firsthand, which is very cool.

That’s really good. Kadence, there could be future interns watching this. If they’re watching this, you’re talking to them, what would you tell them to help them to be successful as an intern at Adelsberger Marketing?

I think I would just say yes. Whatever is being asked of you, just say yes. It may actually help your way, way down the road that you don’t even know of right now, but at least you’re learning, and you don’t know where that’s going to take you. I would just say yes. Don’t push no on the Google calendar. Push yes and have fun while you’re doing it, too, because it’s not going to be forever. It’s just a short amount of time. Have fun while you’re doing it.

Well, Kadence, thank you for joining us for this semester and joining us for this podcast. Cadence is heading back to Evangel University in just a few weeks, so we were glad to have you this summer. If you’re interested in an internship at Adelsberger Marketing, visit our website at adelsburgermarketing. Com. If you are a company that works with us or someone that we know that you want some tips on implementing an internship, we love internships at Adelsberger Marketing. We’d be happy to talk to you about how to do that. Thank you for watching the Content Machine. We’ll be back with a normal episode next week.