How We Market Ourselves | Content Machine Ep. #44

As a marketing company, we think about marketing for other people all the time. It’s what we do for a living. But it also means we think about marketing for ourselves all the time, but we just don’t always have the time to do it. The phrase, The Cobbler’s kids have no shoes comes to mind, even though everyone on my team has never heard that phrase before. A long time ago, we decided to focus on three pillars to conquer our marketing. After talking about those, if you hang on to this episode, we’ll look at the next steps as we invest more in ourselves. Our three pillars of marketing: invest in the community, position ourselves as experts, and build stark raving fans. Investing in the community is actually a part of our mission. It says, in a culture that values our team and community. We invest in our community because we believe we have a responsibility to give back as someone who has had success here with the people and the businesses from here. We believe a rising tide floats all boats. If we support our community and help to make our community a little bit better, we can also prosper a little more together as a whole.


When the community improves, we fulfill our mission, and we open up more opportunities for us to do business with people in the future because more businesses will exist and existing businesses will do better. One of the secondary benefits to investing in the community through service to the community is meeting new people. Working shoulder to shoulder with some folks or supporting their causes through discounted work is a way to build better business connections than handing out business cards in an event. It builds a genuine connection and mutual trust, and this sometimes leads to new business opportunities, which I’m never mad about. We believe strongly in positioning ourselves as expert guides for marketing in our area. We want to be viewed as who you want to talk to when marketing is on your mind. Being positioned as the expert leads to new business and helps create top of mind awareness as people move through the community. The more people view us as experts or the people to call, the more likely someone is to refer to us even if we’re not close friends. How do we do that? We do that primarily through education. We are willing to educate others on marketing through blogs, speaking at events, or participating in things like the Co’s Office Hours.


At Office Hours, folks can sign up for a free consultation with us and walk away with free action steps. And a nice benefit of being positioned as an expert, it allows you to charge a higher fee for your expertise and sets you up to do advice-only work or consultations. We want to get to a place where a significant part of our revenue comes from head work, not just the work we can do with our hands. But the biggest thing that we’ve done to help our marketing is we make stark, raving fans. Most of the folks we have worked with, not all of them, of course, but most of them love working with us so much so that they’re willing to talk us up and recommend us to the community. How do we create stark, raving fans? Well, one, we deliver. This is actually one of our core values also. We do what we say we are going to do, and if it is within our power, when we say we are going to do it every time we show up and we get stuff done. Also, when we deliver, we deliver good work. We make work that accomplishes goals for our clients, and they appreciate it.


While we deliver and we do good work, we also make a great partner. We are fun to work with, and we push people to do better for their companies. Going above and beyond in customer service is a long-term investment in building a reputation that precedes us. Now moving forward, there are two particular things we’re going to do to pour fuel on the fire of our business. The first one is creating more content. We are investing the time in creating content like this podcast or this video to help build our position as an expert and help expose more people to our work. In this, we are taking a little bit of our own advice that we give to clients. More content equals more opportunities to be discovered. So expect to see more content from Adelsberger marketing this year. The second thing is that we’re investing in culture. We want to be the best place to work in West Tennessee. Why? Well, I believe creativity wins the day. How do you have creativity? By having good talent. And how do you attract and retain good talent? By having a great company culture. Having a culture that values our team is part of our mission statement and will give us an advantage in the future talent war.


I believe company culture will be the biggest defining feature of a successful company in the next 50 years. And so, we’re doing our best to be ahead of that trend now. Thanks for listening to the podcast. If you found this episode helpful, text it to a friend. If you want to talk about doing business with us, contact us at