Facebook is flexing it’s big data muscles again by introducing Facebook Local Awareness.
Facebook is now using your location to sell ads. Nothing new right? They could already place ads in front of people in your city but now they are taking it to the next level. By using the location system on your phone (that is my assumption, I am not sure of the technology behind the program) they are able to target ads within a distance as mile away from the brick and mortar location of a store/event.
With Facebook Local Awareness you can now target people driving past your store. From a marketing angle this is awesome. A few scenarios: being near a college campus and setting your food discounts to that area. Coffee shop in a business district? Send the ad to all the workers about a special on coffee. Near the interstate? You can set your ad far enough out from your location to pick up the major gas stations.
There are several ways you can set the goals for the ad. I think the real trick here will be for “Offer”. This will allow retail and restaurants to help drive foot traffic. Other services such as a mechanic could use this to gain likes for the neighborhood they serve.
As a consumer it might be a little scary.
Check out Facebook Awarenesss here.
I am going to try and do a case study with this new tool soon and will post the results on the blog.