LinkedIn: Making Connections in the Digital Age

 In this modern, digital age we have Facebook, Instagram, and apps for virtually everything, making connections and consuming content is easier than ever. But in a world overflowing with information, how do you form connections that are beneficial for both you and your business? How do you utilize platforms to your advantage without losing content to the algorithm?

 LinkedIn can be used for so much more than finding a job. LinkedIn provides opportunities for professionals to connect, learn from one another, and promote engagement.

 Here are three ways you can use LinkedIn to your advantage:

  1. Follow people who inspire you and engage with their content.

Whether it’s your boss posting business advice or a photographer creating compelling work, LinkedIn is a great way to not only connect with other professionals but also learn from them. After following accounts who inspire you, interacting with their content is a great way to build relationships and promote professional engagement on LinkedIn.

  1. Grow your personal brand on LinkedIn.

 Having a LinkedIn profile doesn’t mean your personal brand is always recognizable on the platform. Growing your brand is a process that requires both engagement and strategy. A practical way to grow your personal brand is to have a clear, organized landing page featuring your business logo. This will allow other professionals to easily recognize your brand and engage with your content.

  1. Use LinkedIn as a research tool.

 Considering a new hire for your business? Want advice from experts? LinkedIn is a great way to market digitally and gain valuable information to grow your business. LinkedIn allows you to keep your information and connections concise. Whether it’s a business professional you admire or a leadership strategy you’re curious about, LinkedIn allows you to learn more about people or research new topics without the distractions of other platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. 

 As the digital world grows, digital marketing has become more accessible while simultaneously becoming more complicated. Engaging across LinkedIn can equip you with the resources you need to grow your business and help your brand thrive.

 Want to learn more about digital marketing?

 Connect with Adelsberger Marketing on LinkedIn at or visit our website at to schedule an appointment today. 

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