Email Marketing
What We Do:
We help you skillfully create your message to customers and use analytics to time the delivery. We create templates within email marketing platforms to help your business send messages quickly and efficiently.
Why It's Important:
Email is a great way to stay in touch with current customers by building loyalty and trust. Keeping your brand on top of your customer’s mind without oversaturating their inbox is a delicate balance. With well-crafted emails, you are able to speak directly to the customer and create a personal message.
Case Study: Adelsberger Marketing
Email Marketing has been a mainstay of digital marketing since we all hopped on the internet. It still remains one of the most effective direct marketing avenues. Which is why we rely on it here at Adelsberger Marketing!
However, email marketing is only as good as the audience you have. You can create the best, most effective email marketing campaign ever, but if you don’t have a solid list to send it to, it is worthless. While we have a substantial email audience of clients and friends of the business, we are always looking to grow that list.
In March 2019, Adelsberger Marketing launched a Digital Marketing Checklist – a free ebook on our website. The only requirement of downloading this guidebook is signing up for our email newsletter! Since launching this newsletter, we have seen steady growth of our audience size – increasing over 13% since launch only from Digital Marketing Checklist downloads!

Offering this freebie has been a great way to cultivate new relationships with potential clients. Once we have started that relationship with the download of a product, we can further develop the relationship through our email marketing by offering insight into our knowledge of marketing, announcements about what is going on in our world, and plenty of humor!