What We Do:
Most people know a good photo when they see one. But not everyone knows how to get there. We have the camera equipment, lighting, experience, and creative awareness to capture photographs that showcase your business.
Why It's Important:
We live in a visual world. Photos can be used in all your marketing materials, websites, and social media. Having great images can help set you apart from the crowd.
Case Study: Move to Jackson
Over our almost decade of work with the Greater Jackson Chamber, we have had the opportunity to work with them on a myriad of projects. One of the most recent, was the Move to Jackson campaign. While our team proposed and created the entire campaign, one of the highlights was the photography component.
- Challenges:
Coordinating a photography shoot can be tricky on the best of days. A photography project of this size involving various shoots with multiple, time and event-specific footage to collect images proved challenging to coordinate for coverage. Additionally, when creating an evergreen photo library for a customer to use, it can be difficult to organize appropriate and approved models and locations. But our photography and administrative team was more than up for the challenge, producing well over 2,000 images.

- Unique:
It isn’t often you get to the opportunity to show potentially the entire world what life can look like in your hometown. Through the Move to Jackson photography, our team was able to invite people to take a closer look at Jackson and West Tennessee by seeing some of the more unique aspects of our community. And, for our team, it proved to be just as exciting, photographing new and interesting places, meeting new people, and being reminded of how much there is to do and see in our city.
- Success:
Sometimes, the creative work we provide isn’t immediately visible. But with the Move to Jackson photography project, the visual content we provided was useful and engaging right away. The final, edited, lifestyle photos were clearly used and were (and still are) being used in multiple ways. Additionally, our team was impressive in how they handled the project: from Kevin providing the guidance Alex needed as he managed his first major project on his own, to Alex and Tamara being flexible for last-minute photography shoot changes, to Tamara doing a great job working with models to help them feel comfortable on location.
- What Others Had To Say:
<<Waiting on quote from Lindsay>>